Privacy Policy

  • General information

    Welcome to our Privacy Policy page! When you use our web site services, you trust us with your information. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. As you use our services, we want you to be clear how we’re using information and the ways in which you can protect your privacy. This is important; we hope you will take time to read it carefully.

  • Protection of your private life

    The protection of your private life is an important matter for us. That's why Cinetix Films Inc., and the site gather your private information only when you send your information by email. This information is not used by a third party and is only to get in contact with clients or potential clients.

  • Gathered information

    For statistics reasons, we use the services of Google Analytics to know the source of our site's traffic. The details about web browser, screen resolution, the country and city of the visitor and also the source origin (search engine result, link or type-in traffic) is the information gathered to help us better manage our site.
